How to Plan the Perfect Team Building Event in Birmingham

Looking for a unique and memorable way to bond with your colleagues? Our slogging gang-themed team building events are the perfect solution. In this post, we share tips on how to plan a successful event that everyone will enjoy.

Forming a strong bond within the team benefits businesses and organisations by encouraging employees to work together towards a common goal. Team building activities bring people together and promote teamwork and collaboration, as well as make employees feel valued and appreciated and give them something to look forward to. In addition, the bonds and connections built through fun activities help employees see each other differently and connect in a new setting where they can develop friendships and share ideas. This leads to improved communication, innovation and creativity, as well as increasing employee engagement and morale.

Since the pandemic, opportunities for employees to build these bonds in the office during a typical working day have decreased as many people spend more time working from home, but the need to make these bonds has never been more vital. People have reported feeling more isolated, and companies have complained of reduced communication. Time can be wasted in scheduled meetings that traditionally would not have been needed as employees would have exchanged ideas during a coffee break or in the canteen. Traditional, face-to-face physical team-building events can help people feel more connected to the organisation, increase communication, build bridges and alliances between departments and develop intra-organisational collaborations.

A team-building activity should engage every team member and enable them to connect with each other. This means that it is essential to have a well-planned activity with clear goals. Top Tours Global will discuss in detail with you before your tour what are your goals for the activity and then design a tour to meet your needs. We offer several base tours which can be adapted to exactly meet your needs.  

Our Base Tours

Our corporate Peaky Blinder walking tour is a relaxed two-hour tour with two pub stops which can be tailored to end at a restaurant of your choice in the city centre. We can include a pub quiz if you think this is something that your employees would enjoy, and we have two tour formats. The first covers international business etiquette with a Peaky Blinders twist and is ideal if you are looking for an educational, fun activity that will help you gain a competitive edge in an international market. The second format is a relaxed, fun tour that tells the history of the Peaky Blinders and other Birmingham Slogging gangs and is a great way to wind down after a busy day of staff training or at a conference.

Both of these formats can be applied to our food tour, which includes a three-course meal spread across the tour. Each of our tours is based on the slogging gangs of the late 18th and early 19th century, but each tour covers different aspects of the gangs. On our food tour, we look at the influence of immigration on the city and how it helped rebuild the city, bring new cuisines and how tensions have led to gangs and violence.  

Our historical night tour is a great event for office parties and includes several pub stops and finishes at a canal-side restaurant. This is the longest of our tours and takes about three hours from start to finish, not including the meal by the canal. 

Finally, we are currently developing team-building events to meet the needs of organisations that want to give back to the community. We plan to work with local charities to create events which will allow your employees to bond and get to know each other better through activities which meet the needs of local charitable organisations and non-profits. These events will include a meal for your employees and fun activities and competitions depending on the organisation that they will be helping.

A critical component of any team-building exercise is trust. Our guides develop activities that make everyone feel safe whilst gaining the confidence to move out of their comfort zone, build new relationships and be open to new ideas. We are very aware that some members of your team may be less vocal than others but that every member has something worthwhile to contribute. Our guides are experts in actively including all team members to make everyone feel welcome and valued. We hope this will lead to a feeling of camaraderie and, ultimately, a solid and effective team culture.


Peaky Blinder Foodie's Guide to Birmingham's Slogging Gangs


"Why Birmingham's Slogging Gangs Were More Than Just Criminals"